Saturday, June 5, 2010

Week 16 of my weight loss challenge

The past two weeks have been extremely busy for me. Those following me on Twitter ( know what's been going on in my life lately. I moved to a half-way house for the summer to do some youth ministry. It is a very exciting opportunity for me to serve God in this way, as youth ministry is my passion. But moving in to a new house is never easy. There is the almost endless packing and unpacking of things. And then it comes the getting accustomed to your new home. It's exciting, but rarely easy.

And then comes the internet. There is now internet where I'm living, but that wasn't the case for the first few days after I moved in. The main router of the house is located in my room. Plugging in my laptop, I accidentally disconnected the router. I reconnected it again and it suddenly stopped working! Apparently, that simple act blew out the adapter. But we now have a new adapter, and thankfully internet. But then, there is also another problem that delayed my posting of a new blog: I forgot (apparently conveniently) my scale at the old house!

I have to be honest. I've been overeating lately. Maybe it is the stress of moving in and out, or the getting accustomed to the new house and schedules, or even the new food here. Thankfully, I have not neglected my exercise. I've been walking around the new neighborhood, getting to know it better. For those familiar with San Francisco, I am now living in the Mission district. This is an interesting neighborhood, filled with contrast and life. It is an acquired taste, but I'm starting to like it.
I took this photos on one of my walks through the neighborhood. There is lots of interesting new housing developments right next to industrial zonings and decadent buildings. For some reason I find these contrasts fascinating.

So without a scale there is no weigh in right? Yes, sorry! But I will go today to the old house and pick up my scale. I will be leaving to a retreat with the Augustinians for the whole week. I'm already very excited about that. See you all next week!